Thursday, 30 March 2017

Organ hall in Krasnoyarsk - in the past the Roman Catholic Church "the Church of the Transfiguration". The building was built in Gothic style in 1911 (architect Vladimir Sokolovsky) and is a historical monument.
In 1922, the building was nationalized by the Soviet power and in 1936 transferred to the host of cultural objects. For several decades the building of the temple was actually destroyed and only at the turn of 1970-1980-ies began its recovery.
Confirms the Gothic style, a certain lightness and aiming for the top of the building, height with the towers, focus towers, stained-glass Windows. Two monumental towers are connected to the Central building.
16 Sep 1982 temple first opened its doors as a concert hall, and a year later on the stage appeared on the Czech firm "Rieger-Kloss" (3 manuals and pedal, 30 registers). The length of the largest pipe is almost 5 meters, the diameter of the smallest pipe a few millimeters.
Since that time, the Organ hall of the Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic became one of the centers of academic art in Siberia – the only one in the Krasnoyarsk region on a brass showed their art musicians from around the world.
The building of the cinema Art

The building of the theater was changed three times not for the name but also the appearance.
Cinema Art 1912

In may, 1911 in the town Council received the statement.N. Gadalova "to build a stone two-storey building belonging to him on the estate at the Pochtamtsky lane for cinema."
Based on the project, noted the newspaper, the room will be huge compared to existing cinemas, and this will have an impact on "reducing the entrance fee to the cinema of poor people". The building was built very quickly and 15 August 1912, electro N.N. Gadalova in the art Nouveau style, called "Art", was opened. If you look at it there was a feeling of lightness, delicacy and airiness.

City Newspapers paid a lot of attention to the opening of cinema N. N. Gadalova.
"The composition of the facades of the building is intertwined motifs of the Petersburg buildings of the early twentieth century, which studied S. G. Drizhenko, and works of European modernism with the triumphant chords of the power and splendor of the Oriental.
The plastic of the main facade of the building determined the bright palette of a variety of moulded parts and patterns characteristic of art Nouveau: intense mask, "Baroque" drapery protruding from the shells and leaves, Lotus flowers on winding stems, wheels and garlands, ornament from exotic plants."
( From a report Greenberg, Y. I.)

July 14, 1913, N.N. Gadalov renames the cinema "Art" in "Cinema" leases V. A. Polyakov. With this name lived before the revolution, and then was again renamed. It was named the very boring name "SOVKINO".

In the mid 50-ies of the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on elimination of excesses in architecture, which directly impact on the fate of cinema. In 1955, adopted a decision on the extension of the building along with alteration of the main facade.

The project of reconstruction of the facade SOVKINO 1955

For some reason, the project of the architect M. I. Merzhanov was implemented partially. The theater was attached to the lobby, zastrow the gap with office building Eniseyzoloto, now the Office of Federal drug control service.

Facade SOVKINO hidden under concrete 1955-2009

Sovkino Cinema

Under the pretext of combating "harmful bourgeois-merchant heritage", despite the persistence of several specialists, headed by the chief architect of the city Yu. a. Brodskim trying to preserve at least the facade of the cinema was the majority of votes adopted the proposal of the architect Y. Bogomyagkova.

Krasnoyarsk has lost one of the jewels of its historic development — after all, what the cinema re film if we could have now! "
(From a report Greenberg, Y. I. )

Under the project of architect V. Bogomyakov, made in the spirit of minimalism, the old facade of the theater just concreted in 1966, a unique monument of architecture was lost.

Kinopark Pikra

In 1999, architect by S. Kaverina had another reconstruction of the cinema. A new image of the cinema was completed crashing into the façade plane, as it were erupting in the world of entertainment.

October 28, 1999, this building was opened the family-entertainment complex "Babelsberg film Park "Pikra"", the first in Krasnoyarsk commercial cinema, cinema world level, equipped with a multi-channel system of digital stereo sound and the latest projection equipment.

In 2006 the building was sold to OOO "Forest", which on 3 February 2007 made the removal of the property kinopark "layout of the aircraft crashed into the facade of the building, "Babelsberg film Park "Pikra"" and a visual element under the mask and the sun" from the building on the street Perensona and "have taken the said property in an unknown direction."

The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station
The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station known not only in Russia but also in many parts of the world. It is therefore not surprising that a visit to the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is an indispensable item in the cultural program guests. In Krasnoyarsk this place is one of favorite. Especially crowded here when there is water discharge.
Located in Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei river, above the city of Krasnoyarsk, at the intersection of the Yenisei spurs of the Eastern Sayan near Divnogorsk.
It was constructed from 1956 to 1972 the First block of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was commissioned on 3 November 1967.
The installed capacity of its 12 generating units of 6 million kW. According to this indicator, the Krasnoyarsk HPP among the ten largest hydroelectric world and the second place in Russia.
The total crest length is 1072,5 m. the Average height of the channel portion 117 m (maximum 128 m). The total weight of the dam is 15 million tons.
The complex of hydroelectric power station there is the only Russian ship's hoist. The ship's hoist is a special platform moving on rails with a track width of 9 meters, and having gears For loading of the lift platform is lowered below water level, the ship enters the lift, and then the platform moves slowly up on the overpass; the ship transported afloat. At the top platform with the ship drives onto the turntable, move it to another track, on which the platform is lowered into the upper pool below the water level. After that, the ship leaves the ship's hoist. Tonnage passes through the ship lift Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station ships can reach 1500 tons.
The dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station forms a sufficiently large reservoir. Its surface area is about 2000 km2. Powerful monolithic concrete dam holding back a huge mass of water. When the water level in the reservoir rises to a value normal retaining level at the spillway of the dam opened the gates, and the enormous power of the water discharged into the Yenisei.
 Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station provides electricity to a huge region, but its construction resulted in the flooding of 120,000 acres of agricultural land. Flooded were adjacent to its territory the village.
 Originated and certain environmental problems. So, the water in the Yenisei near Krasnoyarsk, Divnogorsk and Krasnoyarsk stopped freezing. This, in turn, has led to changes in the climate of this territory: the air became more humid, the winters are warmer. Now in a strong Siberian frosts on the waterfront of Divnogorsk you can enjoy a non-freezing river under a frosty haze on the background of the enchanting snow-capped mountains, and feed the ducks that gather here in huge flock.

Water temperature in the Yenisei river does not rise above 13 °C even in hot summer days.

To see this amazing place can be reached Divnogorsk. In agreement with the leadership of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station tours of the engine room and Museum.

September 23 1963 the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin visited the construction HPP

During the construction of the HPP was formed in Krasnoyarsk the sea (so called reservoir locals) is one of the most extensive artificial lakes in the world. It was buried under its waters 132 municipalities, including three district. One of the areas - ie disappeared forever from the map of the region. The water had gone and one of the first Russian settlements in Siberia - Guard and Abakan stockade. The reservoir was flooded 120 thousand square kilometers of agricultural land, of these places resettled about 60 thousand people. These tragic events in the history of Siberia is described by Viktor Petrovich Astafyev in his book "Farewell to Matyora"

Monday, 20 March 2017

    The chapel is the most recognizable symbol of Krasnoyarsk. Urban accent, landmark, marking the best view of the city, a kind of "emblem" of Krasnoyarsk, the element of panorama. A small, expressive building of the XIX century with expressive decor. Places connected with the base and the first stages of construction of the city. 
     The current chapel building was built in 1852 – 1855 by the merchant-gold-P. I. Kuznetsov. Architects Y. son and J. Nabalu. Was built as a chapel of the Cathedral, its architecture (the project of K. ton) is determined and forms the chapel were built in the same years. Since the founding of the Burg at Krasny Yar at the place most convenient for observation, stood the watchtower, the signals from it were visible in the fortress, located on the lower terrace of the Yenisei and Kacha, South-East from the tower. In 1805 the merchant I. Novikov constructed a wooden chapel on the site of the former tower in commemoration of the 100th anniversary reflect the recent RAID of the nomads and start a peaceful life of Krasnoyarsk. It burned down in the late 1840s From the site of the chapel revealed the panorama of the city and its environs. Hence, not just drew and wrote city V. I. Surikov. In 1887 the building of the chapel and its site were installed the devices for observation of solar eclipses in the expedition was attended by the future inventor of radio A. S. Popov, in memory of this in 1977 Krasnoyarsk Institute of physics on the Eastern facade of the chapel was installed, but has not survived to our time, a plaque with the inscription: "Here in August 1887 the great Russian scientist, inventor of radio Alexander Stepanovich Popov participated in the observation of solar eclipses in the Russian physico-chemical society." Currently, the object is used as a religious facility, at the same time being an attraction of Krasnoyarsk. Visit it for wedding card-playing, and guests of the city. Dating: 1855, 1887
   The chapel is located on the top of Karaulnaya mountain (hill Kum-Tigey), climbing a steep slope over the Northern border of the old part of the city over the river Kacha and the red scree of marl, which gave the city its name. The octahedral volume is cut in three door and four window openings with semicircular end, on the Eastern verge of the about window. The edges of the octagon are emphasized by pilasters, the transition to high tent decorated with kokoshniks. Face tent a broken cornice and Dormer Windows on all four sides. In each face of the wall under the Windows, above the cornice, and beneath the recumbent panels. Window frames completed frames keel that follows the shape of corbel arches. The decor is generic, the large articulations, designed to be perceived from a distance, stylized under the ancient form. Metal tent topped with a small onion-shaped gilded cupola. Above the cupola and Orthodox cross. The proportions of the cupola was changed after the restoration of the 2000s: increased volume domes. Building on a high base, wrought iron doors down the high porch. Windows – updated old pattern wrought iron lattice. Some of the Windows and niches under them closed religious images and inscriptions. The room of the chapel is reported with a hip portion of a hole. The rubble Foundation, brick walls, plastered, painted in a single tone. Height to the cross at about 22 m., between the opposing faces of the walls is 7 m. the building offers a security Board with the inscription: "the Russian Federation. A monument of architecture. The Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel. Architect Alpheus, Nabalu. 1852 - 1855. Protected by the state".
      I liked the landscaped area around the chapel. Analyze in detail. Come to the chapel through a small Park Avenue. There are trees and there are benches, lights all this wrought-iron lanterns. To the left is a small observation platform and set her up with a commemorative inscription. On the other side of the Church goes down the stairs with the same benches and lanterns. This descent leads to a signal gun, I will tell about it in another post separately. I love this place for the fact that you can come back and quietly posijet watching the city. Despite the large number of people there is always quiet and peaceful.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

                                              TRADING HOUSE GADALOVA
It was built by the main house of the estate of I. G. Gadalov, a merchant of I Guild, founder of a great commercial and industrial dynasties, Counsellor. The author of the initial project of the city architect Lossowski A., contractor, tradesman Zamotaev.
The largest stone private home, opening a new stage in the architecture of residential buildings of Krasnoyarsk the late 1880's, became the home of commercial and residential destination on the estate of the merchant Nikolay Gerasimovich Gadalova. Its household covered the entire centre of Krasnoyarsk at the time, including the main street – the resurrection (later the Soviet, now Prospekt Mira). By the beginning of 1880-x years instead of the wooden one was built a large two-story stone house.
It was unusual for Krasnoyarsk the wealth of their "Renaissance" forms, dynamic plasticity of the facades, time to turn attention to the beautiful semicircular angular volume of the main entrance, surmounted by a dome with a spire and decorated with an openwork pattern of metal fence semi-circular balcony. The architectural image of the building, more typical of zapadnoevropeiskie works of art of those years, suggests participation in its design the architect's qualifications.
The possible author of the project called V. A. Schreter, one of the consistent adherents of the "Renaissance" in Russian architecture of the second half of the XIX century. The influence of the creative techniques this architect can be traced in the comparison of some compositional and decorative elements used in forms Gadalova at home in one of the most well-known "Siberian" works of the architect of the theatre in Irkutsk (1894-1897). About the architectural "links" in the capitals of the merchant family Hatalowich are confirmed in documentary sources reporting further construction activities of merchants in Krasnoyarsk.