The building of the cinema Art

The building of the theater was changed three times not for the name but also the appearance.
Cinema Art 1912
In may, 1911 in the town Council received the statement.N. Gadalova "to build a stone two-storey building belonging to him on the estate at the Pochtamtsky lane for cinema."
Based on the project, noted the newspaper, the room will be huge compared to existing cinemas, and this will have an impact on "reducing the entrance fee to the cinema of poor people". The building was built very quickly and 15 August 1912, electro N.N. Gadalova in the art Nouveau style, called "Art", was opened. If you look at it there was a feeling of lightness, delicacy and airiness.
City Newspapers paid a lot of attention to the opening of cinema N. N. Gadalova.
"The composition of the facades of the building is intertwined motifs of the Petersburg buildings of the early twentieth century, which studied S. G. Drizhenko, and works of European modernism with the triumphant chords of the power and splendor of the Oriental.
The plastic of the main facade of the building determined the bright palette of a variety of moulded parts and patterns characteristic of art Nouveau: intense mask, "Baroque" drapery protruding from the shells and leaves, Lotus flowers on winding stems, wheels and garlands, ornament from exotic plants."
( From a report Greenberg, Y. I.)
July 14, 1913, N.N. Gadalov renames the cinema "Art" in "Cinema" leases V. A. Polyakov. With this name lived before the revolution, and then was again renamed. It was named the very boring name "SOVKINO".
In the mid 50-ies of the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on elimination of excesses in architecture, which directly impact on the fate of cinema. In 1955, adopted a decision on the extension of the building along with alteration of the main facade.
The project of reconstruction of the facade SOVKINO 1955
For some reason, the project of the architect M. I. Merzhanov was implemented partially. The theater was attached to the lobby, zastrow the gap with office building Eniseyzoloto, now the Office of Federal drug control service.
Facade SOVKINO hidden under concrete 1955-2009
Sovkino Cinema
Under the pretext of combating "harmful bourgeois-merchant heritage", despite the persistence of several specialists, headed by the chief architect of the city Yu. a. Brodskim trying to preserve at least the facade of the cinema was the majority of votes adopted the proposal of the architect Y. Bogomyagkova.
Krasnoyarsk has lost one of the jewels of its historic development — after all, what the cinema re film if we could have now! "
(From a report Greenberg, Y. I. )
Under the project of architect V. Bogomyakov, made in the spirit of minimalism, the old facade of the theater just concreted in 1966, a unique monument of architecture was lost.
Kinopark Pikra
In 1999, architect by S. Kaverina had another reconstruction of the cinema. A new image of the cinema was completed crashing into the façade plane, as it were erupting in the world of entertainment.
October 28, 1999, this building was opened the family-entertainment complex "Babelsberg film Park "Pikra"", the first in Krasnoyarsk commercial cinema, cinema world level, equipped with a multi-channel system of digital stereo sound and the latest projection equipment.
In 2006 the building was sold to OOO "Forest", which on 3 February 2007 made the removal of the property kinopark "layout of the aircraft crashed into the facade of the building, "Babelsberg film Park "Pikra"" and a visual element under the mask and the sun" from the building on the street Perensona and "have taken the said property in an unknown direction."

The building of the theater was changed three times not for the name but also the appearance.
Cinema Art 1912
In may, 1911 in the town Council received the statement.N. Gadalova "to build a stone two-storey building belonging to him on the estate at the Pochtamtsky lane for cinema."
Based on the project, noted the newspaper, the room will be huge compared to existing cinemas, and this will have an impact on "reducing the entrance fee to the cinema of poor people". The building was built very quickly and 15 August 1912, electro N.N. Gadalova in the art Nouveau style, called "Art", was opened. If you look at it there was a feeling of lightness, delicacy and airiness.
City Newspapers paid a lot of attention to the opening of cinema N. N. Gadalova.
"The composition of the facades of the building is intertwined motifs of the Petersburg buildings of the early twentieth century, which studied S. G. Drizhenko, and works of European modernism with the triumphant chords of the power and splendor of the Oriental.
The plastic of the main facade of the building determined the bright palette of a variety of moulded parts and patterns characteristic of art Nouveau: intense mask, "Baroque" drapery protruding from the shells and leaves, Lotus flowers on winding stems, wheels and garlands, ornament from exotic plants."
( From a report Greenberg, Y. I.)
July 14, 1913, N.N. Gadalov renames the cinema "Art" in "Cinema" leases V. A. Polyakov. With this name lived before the revolution, and then was again renamed. It was named the very boring name "SOVKINO".
In the mid 50-ies of the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on elimination of excesses in architecture, which directly impact on the fate of cinema. In 1955, adopted a decision on the extension of the building along with alteration of the main facade.
The project of reconstruction of the facade SOVKINO 1955

For some reason, the project of the architect M. I. Merzhanov was implemented partially. The theater was attached to the lobby, zastrow the gap with office building Eniseyzoloto, now the Office of Federal drug control service.
Facade SOVKINO hidden under concrete 1955-2009
Sovkino Cinema
Under the pretext of combating "harmful bourgeois-merchant heritage", despite the persistence of several specialists, headed by the chief architect of the city Yu. a. Brodskim trying to preserve at least the facade of the cinema was the majority of votes adopted the proposal of the architect Y. Bogomyagkova.
Krasnoyarsk has lost one of the jewels of its historic development — after all, what the cinema re film if we could have now! "
(From a report Greenberg, Y. I. )
Under the project of architect V. Bogomyakov, made in the spirit of minimalism, the old facade of the theater just concreted in 1966, a unique monument of architecture was lost.
Kinopark Pikra
In 1999, architect by S. Kaverina had another reconstruction of the cinema. A new image of the cinema was completed crashing into the façade plane, as it were erupting in the world of entertainment.
October 28, 1999, this building was opened the family-entertainment complex "Babelsberg film Park "Pikra"", the first in Krasnoyarsk commercial cinema, cinema world level, equipped with a multi-channel system of digital stereo sound and the latest projection equipment.
In 2006 the building was sold to OOO "Forest", which on 3 February 2007 made the removal of the property kinopark "layout of the aircraft crashed into the facade of the building, "Babelsberg film Park "Pikra"" and a visual element under the mask and the sun" from the building on the street Perensona and "have taken the said property in an unknown direction."
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