Church of the Holy Ioann's Predtechi
The construction of the chapel of Church of the Holy Ioann's Predtechi house began at the end of the major works in administrative-a residential building, at the end of 1880. In 1888 — 1891, civil engineer P. Maslennikov said the project, performs a cost estimate and calculation of stability of vaults and arches of the chapel. He also directs proizvodstvom work completed by 1897. In 1900 produced the first extension of the Church, the superstructure of the refectory with the enrichment of interior for the guidance of architect A. A. Falbaum. In 1914, the houseChurch of the Holy Ioann's Predtech extended a major extension to the South façade of the refectory, which brought the South entrance to the main street. Entering this was was included in a large arched doorway with stained glass fill. Bishop's house with the chapel of Church of the Holy Ioann's Predtech and a garden was formed by quarter and site development Novosobornaya square and main street — the resurrection (now Prospekt Mira)
The premises of the chapel of Church of the Holy Ioann's Predtech adjoins the South side to the bishops ' home, forming the corner of prospect Mira and street.
Plinth of granite blocks complete profile of a shaft and two shelves. The quadrangular bell tower stands on the Western facade, repeating the Eastern facade of the administrative-residential buildings. The nature of window frames is also similar on both wings of the house. They are repeated in the later additions, but not plastered and few coarseness. The end of the southern promontory of slotted ogromnym arched opening filled with stained glass. On the sides of the opening, the rows of massive pilasters with square interceptions are parts of the cornice of the lower layer.

The building includes the original core — (three -) cruciform-plan Church ( square at the base of the temple with a rectangular altar and two side chapels, a refectory and a longitudinally elongated wide base of the bell tower and later additions at the South and North facades, revealing the transverse axis of the volume. The quadrangle is a wide octagonal temple with a narrow diagonal edges, completed with false Dormer Windows with triangular pediments.
In the evening include the lighting of the facade which complements the light from the stained glass Windows. So at night among the grey buildings of the temple alone attracts, surrounded by a halo of warm light. On the West side of the temple erected a monument to St. Luke is our compatriot, the physician, the textbooks which is still learning to young doctors.

The Church is on the axis West-East and 25 meters, along the axis North-South of 18 meters.
Monument of cult architecture of the second half of the XIX century in the Russian style, a unique and complex space-planning composition. Part of the multifunctional building complex. Gradiometry retains a significant role due to large size, richness and variety of shapes and silhouette.
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