Wednesday 5 April 2017

 Pokrovsky Cathedral

Pokrovsky Cathedral is the oldest surviving stone buildings of Krasnoyarsk. The monument of the Yenisei Siberian Baroque school.
The basis of the composition of the intercession Church is a traditional "ship": on the axis East — West is a semicircular altar, the quadrangle of the Church, a spacious refectory and a bell tower. Complicate the composition is symmetrical, the side and late Western tents. Built on the model of the Troitskaya Church in Yeniseisk, using notched and hewn bricks, with rich decor and stucco one floor. Stesney new buildings, preserved fence of wrought iron on brick pillars.

Place for the construction of the stone Church of the intercession was selected to the North-West of the wood, at the intersection of the main thoroughfare of the city, Voskresenskaya street, with the future St. Basil's lane, passing through the former city wall, which housed the old "people sliding down the house" (now the corner of prospect Mira and street Surikova). Parishioners 322 households (residents and polgorodnik villages) chose "the Church Builder" retired nobleman Mikhail Yushkov, a descendant of old Cossack family. In Krasnoyarsk was not their masters of stone craft, so invited masons from Yeniseisk (Stepan Leshcheva, Basil Gatilov, Ivan Pomaskina, Alexei Casareyna, brothers Ivan and Sava Fedorov). Built Church of the intercession "to the efforts of the parishioners and the willing givers", that is, voluntary donations of citizens. Parishioners at a time carried out all ancillary works on the construction site, hauled sand, bricks, timber, water, harvested rubble stone, lime, ensured the protection of materials. To call the Church of the intercession, not the Epiphany, as originally anticipated, and decided "progolosovali all parishioners" on 2 April 1785, Founded in 1785, consecrated in 1795

 For its intended purpose, the Church building was used until 1935, then with the beginning of Stalin's repressions in the 30-ies of XX century the Cathedral was closed and transferred to the military unit. In fact, he started to operate from October 1944 through the efforts of father Nikolai Popov, who appealed to the Executive Committee of the Krasnoyarsk city Council with a request to replace the current premises in February 1943 Nicholas Church on the premises of the intercession of the Church as "more capacious" and "is in the center of the population". The request was supported by the Archbishop Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky). In the spring of 1944 The Council for Russian Orthodox Church to the CPC of the USSR adopted a decision to open the Church of the intercession. The summer and most of autumn future community devoted to repair and restoration "rescheduled" and badly littered and disfigured, temporary occupants of the temple. May 8, 1945 signed the agreement on transfer by the Executive Committee of the intercession of the Church to believers. The rector of her Church and the Orthodox churches in the Krasnoyarsk region was assigned to N. V. Popov (1946, FR), in the difficult post-war years put a lot of effort to organize Church life in the province.

In connection with the coming to power of N. S. Khrushchev (1954-1961) the persecution of the Church was resumed. In 1955, the Abbot of the Pokrov Church Eugene Isidorovich Nasekula began a major overhaul of the temple. Father Eugene fabricated the criminal case about the use in the repair of "stolen" materials. In 1958, Eugene "dismissed from the staff because of his conviction by the decision of Krasnoyarsk criada". And in the early 1960s, the main temple of the region closed down again.
Currently, the Church returned to the original form, lost after the cessation of services in the 60-ies of the last century: intense pink-brown walls replaced the historic white roof repainted in sky blue (2012: green).
In 1990, after the restoration of the Krasnoyarsk diocese, the Church was given the status of Cathedral.
In March 2008, at the Cathedral of the intercession under the arched vault of the porch opposite the entrance to the Central part of the temple was found miraculously surviving mural of the late XVIII — early XIX century with the image of the icon of the feast day, which was later restored.
Pokrovsky Cathedral is an active Church. Included in the register of objects of cultural heritage of Federal importance. Located at the address: 660049, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Krasnoyarsk, Surikova street, 26.

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