The building of the Regional library in Krasnoyarsk on Mira Avenue,93
History: a Library of 500 thousand volumes was provided in the buildings of the square of the Revolution another project in 1936. The technical project was completed in 1953, and the working drawings with the increase of the library up to 750 thousand volumes prepared by Krugobaikal in 1957. The project architect M. I. Merzhanov and E. A. Zubkovsky. In the beginning built North building, then the library in 1957 – 59. Dating: 1950, 1953 – 1957 present address: Krasnoyarsk Krai, Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira,93 and St Karl Marx, 114Здание State universal scientific bibliothque Krasnoyarsk region is located between Karl Marx street and Peace Avenue, the main street of Krasnoyarsk, adjacent to Revolution square and is an important element of the ensemble of the square. The four-story, brick, "C"-shaped, difficult in terms of the volume of the building forms the southern and Western facades of the South-Eastern quarter of the framing square. The library building out the main Western façade of the square and consists of two buildings. The facades are plastered, have a vertical division in the form of flat pilasters, large rectangular openings under high rusticated masonry plinth and massive, with large croutons cornice. Main the South side of the building is a large rectangular volume has a rather strict form and go out into the square, the four floors of a 6-columned portico, the simplified composite order, above which is completed with a triangular pediment – gable attic floor with semicircular Windows. On the high porch of the main entrance is a wide straight staircase. From North library building is adjacent to the long "L" - shaped office building. It has an entrance, accentuated by a risalit in the North-West corner of the building. Pilasters of the ionic style are the massive intermediate zone, emphasizing the fourth floor treated as attic. Facade completes the balustrade at large tables. 

The ayout of the South block (library) screen, enfilade, subject to symmetry. Space the main halls of the dismembered legs. The North building has a corridor system. The length of the facades 116,6 x 41,6 m. The building plans of the Regional bibltoteki master Plan Plan for 1 floor of the South part of the Restructuring and loss: the Building has no significant loss and rearrangements Technical condition: at the beginning of 2015, the decorative elements of the main facade of the building in disrepair. The significance of monuments: the library Building is an important element of the ensemble of the Central square of Krasnoyarsk. Public-administrative building in a typical mid-1950s, neoklassitsisticheskoy forms.
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