Monday 22 May 2017

House Zelmanovich

In the house of a tradesman Zelmanovich in Krasnoyarsk in different years housed a confectionery and dairy, resettlement management, apartments evacuated and children's music school.

House Zelmanovich was erected at the intersection of the Living room (now Karl Marx street) and the Pokrovsky alley (now street Surikova) in 1910-1911 provincial architect V. A. Sokolovsky, with the participation of the sculptor Popov-order-tradesman Moses Haimovich Zelmanovich.

The building is a two-storey stone building, designed in the eclectic style, imitation of the French Renaissance with elements of art Nouveau. Corner reversal marked shaped attic and a dome with a spire. On a large balcony — attic with the monogram "MH" on both sides of the brick chimney, which sets on dolphins cupids.

On the first floor worked popular in the city "Warsaw bakery". In 1912 was opened the first in Krasnoyarsk and dairy. The second floor was used as residential.

After the revolution the building housed the Department for migration Affairs, in 1922-1925 gg. — Yenisei state gold Association, from the mid-1920s the territorial music school. During the great Patriotic war the house was occupied by the apartments for the evacuees. From the 1960s to the present time the building houses a children's music school № 1.

At the beginning of the XXI century the building has built commercial office complex on M. A. Ratushnyak.

House Zelmanovich is a monument of architecture, included in the register of objects of cultural heritage of regional significance by the decision of the Executive Committee of Krasnoyarsk regional Council of people's deputies of June 16, 1980

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