Tuesday 30 May 2017

Krasnoyarsk train station
In December 2014, the new railway station of Krasnoyarsk celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Krasnoyarsk train station.
Solemn opening of a modern five-storey building in Krasnoyarsk railway station was held on 7 December 2004, in celebration of 70-anniversary of Krasnoyarsk region. It was built in the shortest possible time — two years instead of the planned five years.

The building is executed in classic style, it was attached to the suburban pavilion. Dome the middle part of the building is crowned with a spire, the facade is decorated with granite columns. Exterior finish the basement and the porch — marble, walls — quality plaster. The interiors are decorated with elements of classical style. The walls and flooring done with tiles made of natural stone.

The total building area is 12 300 sq m, the capacity of the station is 2,500 people per day. Ridership is more than 850 thousand people a year.

The building was designed in Novosibirsk design and survey Institute "Sibzheldorproekt", chief project engineer — A. V. Rozumenko, the project authors — architects M. I. Bashkirov, V. A. Grigoriev, V. V. Egorov. The project was awarded by diploma of the competition "Golden capital", 2005

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