Friday 5 May 2017

The house of Soviets in Krasnoyarsk on Mira Ave., 110 
background: After a competitive design option adopted by architect Vinogradov (Moscow). The Foundation of the building made in 1936, in place of the demolished Cathedral of the Nativity, but the war of 1941-1945 broke building. Changes and working drawings prepared by the architects M. I. by Merzhanov and co G. I. Shapovalov. The final phase of construction began in 1949 and in 1955 the building was finished. Dating: first half of XX century Modern address: Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mira, 110 Description of the object:the Basic element of the ensemble of the main square of the city. South facing main façade, on Mira Ave., with a space from him. Forms the Northern facade of the square. Brick building in the plan in the form of a complex letter "E" consists of 4 buildings. The main latitudinal elongated body raised above the bed has a height of 5 floors and complete with a high blind attic.
Three of the North building, connected by a passage, formed by two square courtyard. The lower floor of the main building and two floor side – interpreted as a base. All street facades are plastered with imitation large squares of stone. The solemnity of the building gives a colonnade of the Corinthian order on the main facade, which is on the Central axis is interrupted by a wide Exedra above the main entrance.
Over the steps of the raised attic with flagpole and decorated with stucco cartouche incorporating the coat of arms and banners. Blank sections at the flanks of the facades are decorated with deep niches. Inputs with the ends of the body marked with four projecting porticoes. Side wings completes the attic floor with rectangular niches and medallions. A dedicated second-floor Windows with stucco architraves, over which through the one is raised above the keystones triangular pediments. A four-columned portico marked the end of the middle of the North building, where the entrance from the street. Attract the attention of powerful supports transitions and thickness of the wall sections of the first floor. Effectively designed space lobbies. The layout of the buildings corridor, with the exception of the middle of the North building, including Suite rooms. Building dimensions: 90.5 x 52,0 m. the building Plans of the house of Soviets in Krasnoyarsk the General Plan. The plan of the left wing of 1st floor. The plan of the right wing 2nd floor. Adjustment and loss: Made a small addition between the Northern wings. Made extension to the extreme wings of 12 storey buildings from the street. Technical condition: the Building is in a satisfactory technical condition. The significance of monuments: the house of the Soviets is the main element of the ensemble of the Revolution square, a major public building neoklassitsisticheskoy forms 1930-1950

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